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【企业项目实践:数据分析+CRM+Big Data+AI企业项目实践(2019/03/03)

【企业项目实践:数据分析+CRM+Big Data+AI企业项目实践(2019/03/03)

【企业项目实践:数据分析+CRM+Big Data+AI企业项目实践(2019/03/03)


【电话注册】647-861-6072, 1-800-662-2408

想学IT, 就要练。想做IT,就要有项目实践。


如果你苦于没有真实的IT项目实施的经验,没有北美High Tech的工作经历,如果你想在真实的项目实践中提升你所掌握的云技术、CRM、BI、Big Data和开发的技术技能;如果你身在北美留学需要获得Coop/Intern的机会,加入以BI+Big Data+CRM技术体系为核心的真实项目实践!

北美Consulting 公司,交付高端、最有价值的项目,多团队,不同的职位,带你跨入IT职场,在IT职场实现跳跃。



Data Analyst/BI Developer 


  • Hands-on Experience on Excel
  • Knowledge of SQL Server (SSIS, SSAS,SSRA)
  • Knowledge of Power BI and Tableau
  • Good Communication and Collaboration


Data Engineer


  • Understanding SQL and Relational Database
  • Knowledge of Hadoop, HDFS, MapReduce, Hive and Sqoop etc.
  • Team-work, Collaboration and Communication

CRM Developers/Consultants


  • Hands-on Experience on Dynamics CRM and XRM
  • Knowledge MSBI Stack
  • Understanding Dynamics 365 and O365
  • Great Asset: C#, JavaScript and Azure
  • Collaboration, Communication and Presentation


AI and Data Scientist 


  • Understanding Data Processing Tech
  • Understanding Python with Data Science and Analysis


Implementing cloud-based End-to-end Enterprise Business Platform including E-commerce, CRM, Financials and ERP systems which works as a reference architecture to help Enterprise build their applications on top of it.

The Platform Portfolio as the followings:

  • Cloud-based E-commerce/Portal
  • Enterprise CRM Implementation(Sales, Marketing and Service)
  • Financials and ERP Solutions
  • Enterprise Data Pipeline/ETL Solutions
  • System Integration Framework with Service Bus and Web Service
  • Data Modeling/Mapping/Minding and OLAP
  • Big Data handling
  • BI Analysis and Dashboard with Power BI and Tableau
  • AI and Python Data Science/Analysis
  • Plug-in and Workflow Development
  • Mobile App Design and Implementation

Comments (3)

  1. Reply allen mao

    i am now living in sydney. how to attend your training?

    1. Reply yangbin

      We are providing online training, so please give us a call or contact us through wechat, we will give your detailed information. Thanks

  2. Reply Heathert

    Very informative and funny! For those curious to know more, check out: FIND OUT MORE. Let’s discuss!

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